April 27, 2017

Overall, evaluators conducting this follow-up found that the City improved its motor vehicle self-insurance program. However, the City did not fully implement all of the OIG’s recommendations; additionally, many recommendations were not addressed until almost four years after the publication of the original 2012 report. Specifically, the City:

  • began the process of hiring an in-house adjuster for automobile claims, which should result in increased efficiency and save the City nearly $100,000 per year;
  • resolved several issues related to contract management when it signed a contract with a new third-party claims administrator in 2012;
  • revised the vehicle use policy, CAO Memo 5(R), three times in 2016 and incorporated components of the State of Louisiana’s Driver Safety Program;
  • required city employees to complete a defensive driver training program prior to operating city vehicles; and
  • used crash data to identify high-risk drivers who had been in multiple crashes while driving city vehicles.
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