If you request copies, you understand that there may be charges for duplication of these specific records. See following fee schedule for pricing:
- Paper: Copies @ $0.50 per page.
- Electronic: Base fee of $25 for records copied onto a compact disk.
- Delivery: Additional delivery/postage fees may apply depending on form and/or bulk of delivery.
- Additional Fees: Additional service fees may apply depending on the scope of the request.
**Prior to posting, requests will be reviewed and possibly edited or rejected, consistent with the following policy:
- Submissions will be edited to redact or remove sensitive and/or confidential information, such as social security numbers, dates of birth, or other information the disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
- Any submission that is not a request for public records will not be posted.
- Submissions containing profanity, obscenity, racial slurs, hare speech, or other discriminatory language will not be posted.
- In accordance with the Louisiana Public Records Law, La. Rev. Stat. 44:1, et seq., the Office of Inspector General strives to promptly review requests and release public records. Not all records requests will be able to be made publicly available.