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In June of 2017, the OIG received a complaint that Sewerage and Water Board employees were parking for free on and around St. Joseph Street by using handicapped parking placards in their personal vehicles. Vehicles bearing a handicap hang-tag issued to a mobility-impaired person or person with disabilities that are being operated for the transport of the mobility-impaired person or person with disabilities can park in a metered parking space for up to three (3) hours without payment. The investigation identified 26 S&WB employees using unauthorized handicapped placards to park for free in metered spots around S&WB headquarters. The OIG, with the assistance of the Louisiana State Police, determined that the aforementioned 26 employees were not authorized by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles to display the handicapped placards in their vehicles.

OIG investigators also observed that none of the vehicles bearing a handicapped parking placard parked in the vicinity of the S&WB main office at 625 Saint Joseph Street had received a parking ticket for parking beyond the allotted three hours. Consequently, S&WB employees may have deprived the City of approximately $197,000 per year in parking meter revenue because they exceeded the three-hour free parking benefit. The OIG provided this information to the City’s Department of Public Works (DPW). DPW initiated enforcement action and Parking Enforcement Officers issued citations to vehicles for expired meters. Furthermore, DPW will assign Parking Enforcement Officers to do a monthly sweep of the area around S&WB headquarters looking for potential violations.

The Sewerage & Water Board’s huge operating budget and multi billion dollar capital program makes it as financially significant as the rest of city government combined. After five years of OIG reports that confirmed the S&WB;’s poor performance and wasteful and inefficient practices, I reaffirm the same recommendation I made in 2012: New Orleans needs to return the S&WB; to city control; the Sewerage & Water Department should report to the mayor like all the other departments. Oversight can then be improved through policy and citizens dissatisfied with the S&WB; could complain at the polls when they received poor services. The outcome would likely be well worth the effort. There is no risk in changing the status quo because independence has failed miserably for most of a century.

The City of New Orleans and the Sewerage and Water Board (S&WB;) have embarked on $2.4 billion of FEMA-funded infrastructure reconstruction projects in addition to ongoing road construction projects funded by other revenue sources. Many of these projects involve repairing and/or replacing components of the water supply system that may include pipes (service lines) that carry water from the water main to a residence/property.

In New Orleans an undetermined number of homes have service lines made of lead (Pb). Lead is a dangerous neurotoxin and no level of lead exposure is deemed safe. Lead service lines are the main contributor of lead in water at the tap. The S&WB does not have complete or accurate records of where lead service lines are located, and many older New Orleans homes may be serviced by lead service lines (LSLs).

The New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) followed up on its July 2013 report on the Sewerage and Water Board’s (S&WB) collection of sanitation fees. The original report found that neither the City nor the S&WB terminated sanitation or water services for customers who did not pay their sanitation bill. The follow-up report found that millions in sanitation fees remain uncollected; lack of enforcement and poor controls persist.

The New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) released an audit report on the Sewerage and Water Board’s collection of sanitation fees. The audit revealed that 35.6 percent of accounts were delinquent and uncollected fees were $3.1 million in 2010 and $8.5 million in 2011. The report observed that the system was ineffective because of insufficient consequences for non-payment.
Copyright © 2022 New Orleans Office of Inspector General
(504) 681-3247
525 St Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130