The New Orleans Office of the Inspector General (OIG) conducted and evaluation the City employee time and attendance reporting for the period of January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The purpose of the OIG’s evaluation was to determine whether the City had policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that time and attendance was reported accurately. Further, the OIG sought to determine whether the City had penalties in place for noncompliance with time and attendance policies and mechanisms to assess if the attendance of unclassified employees was sufficient to carry out duties.
To improve City employee time and attendance reporting, the OIG offered the following recommendations: The City should develop standard procedures requiring departments to reassign current employees when their ADP supervisor leaves city employment. Further, the CAO’s office should work with ADP administrators to develop queries and reports that allow HR Managers to easily identify all employees who report to a specific supervisor. The CAO’s office should adopt internal controls consistent with best practice guidelines to monitor and verify the attendance of exempt employees, especially those who are also unclassified. The CAO’s office should perform routine reviews of all City policies.