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The New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) today announces a new initiative to ensure effective operations of the City’s Department of Safety and Permits (DSP).

This OIG initiative will foster effective DSP practices and develop methods to improve efficiency, boost accountability, and lessen the potential for corruption at this essential City agency.

Over the course of the past decade, the OIG and partnering agencies have investigated numerous instances of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement within DSP. These investigations have led to 19 arrests, indictments, and resignations of DSP employees. These continuing patterns indicate the agency is facing systemic internal failures. Though the DSP has made significant improvements through additional hiring, faster permit processes, and an outside consultant evaluation, the OIG must ensure successful operations of this critical City agency.

This new initiative will identify and mitigate these issues by assigning OIG personnel to DSP offices. Assignment of OIG personnel will allow for real-time review and assessment of DSP processes for permitting and inspection. This unprecedented move is being enacted to improve public trust following multiple OIG investigations into improper actions by DSP employees.

The OIG is authorized to comment on rules, regulations, policies, and transactions for the purpose of preventing fraud, waste, and abuse in order to promote effective and efficient government. As detailed in the Plaza Tower and Enforcement of the Minimum Property Maintenance Code letter released today, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) examined the Division of Code Enforcement’s efforts to mitigate the safety hazards posed by the condition of the privately-owned property located at 1001 Howard Avenue, commonly known as the Plaza Tower. The OIG did not review the City’s response to blight in general.

The OIG found that the City has not effectively used the power granted to it in the Minimum Property Maintenance Code (Code) to hold the owners of the Plaza Tower accountable for the conditions of the property. Despite the building’s obvious state of disrepair, there were no fines issued by the Division of Code Enforcement and no administrative hearings to address the conditions of the property between 2015 and 2021, when a piece of debris fell and injured a bicyclist. Instead, the City has hesitated to fine the owners of the Plaza Tower, citing the economic value of the property and the effect the fines may have on a potential sale.

The City of New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) believes that the following Third-Party Inspectors, registered with Safety and Permits, are currently in violation of Section 110.10(1) of the Building Code because they appear to have current and active commercial and residential contractor’s licenses issued by the State as described below:

  • Randy Farrell Sr, Commercial License Certificate number (CL.) 61365; Residential License Certificate number (RL.) 885794 doing business as (dba) Global Technical Solutions
  • Christopher Marino Jr., CL. 10337; RL. 81638, dba Roman Builders Inc.
  • Hoang Trong Do, CL. 75203; RL. 888862 (Pending) dba AMM Contractor LLC

This letter highlights the importance of enforcing the City of New Orleans (City) short-term rental regulations. This letter will also address the potential for the City to collect a significant amount of money from fines for short-term rental violations. The Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) concern with the City’s ongoing short-term rental issues is primarily focused on the City’s lack of enforcement of its own short-term rental regulations. If implemented effectively, the City’s new plan to quadruple the number of City workers dedicated to short-term rental enforcement could vastly increase the number of violations brought up for administrative hearings, deterring illegal short-term rentals.

For the 12 illegal short-term rentals identified by the OIG, the auditors reviewed all nights booked for the year ending on December 31, 2022. Per the terms of the above-described ordinance, the City may be able to levy and collect a minimum fine of $500 per night, which could result in fines of at least $519,500 for the year 2022

he City of New Orleans Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a performance audit of the City of New Orleans’ (City) Department of Safety and Permits (S&P). The objective of the audit was to determine if S&P inspectors (City inspectors) conducted their inspections in accordance with S&P policies and procedures. The scope of the audit was all building, mechanical and electrical permit inspections conducted by City inspectors during the period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020.

The audit resulted in the following major findings:

  • City inspectors did not perform in-person inspections for 20% of the inspections selected for review
  • City inspectors did not spend adequate time conducting inspections, spending ten minutes or less for 40% of the inspections reviewed.
  • City inspectors did not upload required documentation into LAMA in violation of S&P policies and procedures.

The Office of Inspector General for the City of New Orleans (OIG) conducted an evaluation of the Department of Property Management’s (DPM) Job Order Contracting Policies and Procedures.

Job Order Contracts (JOC) are a multi-layered procurement mechanism in which the City contracts with one or more general contractors to perform small maintenance and repair jobs on city properties.  The individual repair jobs may not exceed the value of $150,000 per job; however, the total of these projects over the course of a year could be more than $1M.  The DPM was the primary City agency responsible for managing the JOC program.  On average, the DPM spent $2.6M per year on projects between 2017 and 2019.  The total cost of the DPM’s JOC projects for the period under review was $7.7M.

The purpose of the OIG’s evaluation was to determine whether City departments were utilizing the JOC process efficiently and effectively, and in accordance with City policies and state law.  Evaluators also determined whether there were adequate internal and external controls in place to safeguard the procurement process.


NEW ORLEANS, LA – The U.S. Attorney’s Office announced today that BRIAN MEDUS, 44, of Covington, pleaded guilty as charged to violating Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371 and 1952(a)(3), conspiracy to use an interstate facility with intent to carry on unlawful activity.
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(504) 681-3247
525 St Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130